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About the College

The Bible College course is underwritten by the Christian Family Church International (CFCI) Bible College. The course is designed to equip saints to become effective within their communities and church, as they walk in the full authority of Christ Jesus and to establish thriving, Word based churches around the world.

The course is open to both members and visitors of PCC. The course is run over a three period, saints are not obligated to enroll for the entire three year period.

Year One

Certificate in Practical Leadership Studies

“Cultivating intimacy with God through personal relationship” 

With 16 modules to be completed, two tests are written per semester. Upon completion, students receive certification in Practical Ministry and will be eligible to enrol for the Second Year Biblical Studies Course.

Year Two

Certificate in Biblical Leadership Studies

‘Fanning into flame the gifts given to you by God’

With 14 modules to be completed, two test written per semester. Upon completion, students will receive certification in Biblical Studies and will be eligible to enroll in the Third Year Advanced Ministry Studies Course.

Year Three

Certificate in Ministry Leadership Studies

‘Impartation to Sons’

With 13 modules to be completed, with two tests written per semester. Upon completion, students will receive certification in Advanced Ministry Studies and will be eligible to plant a ministry church or bible college.

Banking Details

Bank: FNB Bank,

Account No: 624 325 22739, Branch Code: 250655,

Ref: Name & Surname or Student Number

Fees Breakdown
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