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Welcome to Pinetown Christian Centre

We are family church that believes in being relevant in our community and making a difference in society. We serve a great God whose heart is for people and for their well being in every area of their lives. Our church is a Kingdom Church. As a family we come together to worship and seek His face. With this excitement in our hearts and enthusiasm about each person’s destiny, we invite you to join us and enjoy what God is doing in our midst.

Latest Sunday Sermon

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth.” “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”

John 1:14&17

"There is only one God, who has revealed Himself in three persons. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the inspired and only written Word of God, Jesus Christ is the Lord and He gave gifts to the church

Our Belief

(Couples Meeting) 18/06/2024

Couples had an amazing time on their second couples event in 2024. Families were built, transformed through the teachings, testimonies and the word of God.

(Leap Session) - 14 June 2024

Youth had a great time on their Sleep Over day at Church, they were empowered, and transformed by church leaders and through various activities. Many lives were changed.

(Singles Meeting) 16/03/2024

Singles had a great time on their first singles event in 2024, Church Leaders imparted a lot of life-changing experience and life lessons to last them a lifetime.

(Encounter) 05-07/05/2023

People of God have transformed for the better once again in the second Encounter in 2023. They had a life-changing teachings from Church Leaders and testimonies say it all.

(Foundational Course) 04/03/2023

The Foundational Course is a basic course, mapping the life of a born-again Christian. The course is run within the church at no cost at all and it is open to all.

(Thanksgiving Celebration) 17-18/12/2022

We had an amazing time as the Church, saying Ebenezer, thanking God for His love & faithfulness (Truth & Grace) that we had witnessed as the Church over the years.

Founders of Pinetown Christian Centre

Meet our Pastors

Pastor’s Zamo and Ningi Mkhize want to see you grow in the things of Christ with the faith that your journey in Christ will have a positive impact on your family, friends and all those around you. It is by touching the lives of others and them seeing what Christ has done in your life, that others are touched.

We hope that you go beyond visiting our website and visit our church and that you will find a warm home at Pinetown Christian Centre.

A home of TRUTH and Grace

Our team of elders, pastors and church members are here to serve you, your family and are at your call whenever needed. Our aim and goal is to walk with you and your family through your faith journey, in truth and grace.

Foundation Course

The Foundational Course is a basic course, mapping the life of a born again Christian. The course is run within the church at no cost at all and it is open to all. The course is ideal for newly born again Christians, born again Christians wishing to renew their relationship with Christ and those who wish to learn about the ways of a God mapped life. The course is run quarterly per annum, it is a full day program, with teachings and baptismal. The Foundational Course takes place on a designated Saturday. It is advisable that members wishing to serve in the church attend this course.

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